This suspense movie list can be sorted by cast, year, director and more. . 2008
Top 10 movies of 2008 list topped by The Dark Knight. The best films of 2008 also include The . Alfred Hitchcock Biography - Master of Suspense - Biography of Director Alf.
August 08, 2008 Total points: 1,026 (Level 3) Add Contact; Block . have "the shining", "the sixth sense", and "psycho" on my to-do list. im looking for suspense movies .
Top 10 Lists: These films, for the most part, aren�t at all obscure�some of them are downright classics, and many of you may have seen some of them. But they aren�t the .
A discussion in the Suspense forum . Initial post: Sep 2, 2008 11:45:19 PM PDT Last edited by the author on Sep 7, 2008 8:48:13 PM PDT
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Rent, buy or download 2008 Mystery & Suspense movies online at Blockbuster.com. Blockbuster is your source for 2008 Mystery & Suspense movies.
This best movie list is grouped by mystery movies genre and year of 2008. The best suspense movies 2008 are taken, put together and ranked (best movies on top). All suspense .
The Dark Knight (2008) 658,542: 3. 8.8: Inception (2010) 511,747: 4. 8.8: Goodfellas (1990) . R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating) v = number of votes for list suspense movies 2008 the movie = (votes)
. of the supernatural suspense/horror movie 'The List . Movie Reviews; DVD Horror Reviews; 2008 DVD Reviews; The List DVD Review - Review of Horror Suspense Movie The
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